Apex Legends Adds New Trans Hero Catalyst
Respawn have revealed the next Legend to join Apex Legends — defensive hero Catalyst.
2022-10-18 21:00
Apex Legends Players Think of the Perfect Buff to Revenant Ultimate
A recent Reddit post has had Revenant mains buzzing as it outlines a good buff that would help the unpopular
2022-10-17 04:00
Apex Legends Season 15 Map Teased by Respawn
Respawn Entertainment has dropped a pair of teasers in anticipation of its rumored fifth map for Apex Legends. For those keeping up at home, Season 15 appears t
2022-10-17 00:00
How to Improve Your KD in Apex Legends
Here's a breakdown of how to improve your average kill-death ratio (KD) in Apex Legends.
2022-10-17 00:00
Apex Legends Players Pinpoint Seemingly Needed Seer Nerf
It appears several Apex Legends players want Seer to receive some nerfs heading into Season 15.
2022-10-16 05:00
How to Get Free Loot in Apex Legends Mobile
Here's how to get free loot by logging into Apex Legends Mobile.
2022-10-16 02:00
Apex Legends Season 15 Skins Leaked
As Season 15 of Apex Legends approaches, a new leak has revealed skins that may drop as a part of the season's launch.
2022-10-16 02:00
Apex Legends Oct. 13 Update Patch Notes Fix Skins, More
Apex Legends development studio Respawn Entertainment pushed a small patch to live servers Thursday.
2022-10-15 07:00
Aim Assist Accused of Providing Unfair Advantage by Apex Legends Streamer NayR
Content creator nayR has brought aim assist back into the spotlight within Apex Legends communities with a post that demonstrates it's unfair potential.
2022-10-14 18:00
Apex Legends Golden Ticket: How to Get
Here's a breakdown of how to get the Golden Ticket in Apex Legends.
2022-10-14 04:00
IiTzTimmy Masterfully Dismantles Competition in Apex Legends During Twitch Rivals
Apex Legends fans were treated to an impressive squad wipe from iiTzTimmy during Twitch Rivals.
2022-10-13 04:00
What's the Best Aim Assist Setting for Apex Legends?
A low dead zone, lower sensitivity, and keeping a classic response curve.
2022-10-13 03:00